RTL Small Group

Now that we are not meeting for Sunday School and Wednesday night Bible study – these groups are important now more than EVER!

What is a RTL Group? What does RTL stand for?

REACHING the lost, TEACHING the saved, LOVING one another GROUPS.

Why is there a need for RTL Groups?

RTL Groups offer accountability. We all have good intentions to stick with Bible study plans at home, but the truth is distractions happen and cause us to postpone. Consistent attendance gives the group a regular time for sharing, praying, and discussing how to apply concepts learned from God’s Word.

RTL Groups create connection. When we gather together centering on God’s Word, God orchestrates relationships. We may meet others who’ve been there and who understand life’s adventures and experiences.

RTL Groups foster community. By growing in our knowledge of Christ, we will be more prepared to mentor those who are new to the faith and to help others in need. God will provide opportunities to serve others with Christ-like love and generosity.

RTL Groups provide encouragement. Seeing our brothers and sisters in Christ living out abundant faith is encouraging and can affect our own faith.

RTL Groups

for more info

about our RTL Groups, please contact us at: ugbcministry@gmail.com or call our office at 336-961-5792

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RTL Small Group

Sunday School

